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Relays with contact info email:anonymity[]c3w.at abuse:abuse[]c3w.at operatorurl:https://c3w.at/services twitter:c3wien mastodon:https://chaos.social/@c3wien hoster:https://www.anexia.at/ uplinkbw:1000 memory:4096 virtualization:VSphere offlinemasterkey:y signingkeylifetime:35 tls:OpenSSL aesni:y autoupdate:y confmgmt:ansible trafficacct:unmetered are responsible for ~0.59 MB/s of traffic, with 2 middle relays.

Nickname Contact Bandwidth IP Address AS Number AS Name Country Platform Flags First Seen
C3WLittleGem (3) 66a3d11b 411.72 KB/s AS42473 ANEXIA... Austria FreeBSD Running V2Dir Valid 2020-01-24
C3WPh... (3) 66a3d11b 182.89 KB/s AS42473 ANEXIA... Austria FreeBSD Running V2Dir Valid 2020-02-13