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Relays with contact info email:KurumiKira[]proton.me url:KurumiKira.github.io proof:uri-rsa pgp:8339109dcbf51fc8e6515b3b804ed30c27a5e333 btc:bc1pg2ah4fe8l7rp6ahv99a8pwpsxnvcjukarxsmvmrva4jtrpz5rgwskwykhc ciissversion:2 are responsible for ~17.13 MB/s of traffic, with 1 middle relay and 2 exit relays.

Nickname Contact Bandwidth IP Address AS Number AS Name Country Platform Flags First Seen
Kurumi (3) 98518a72 7.51 MB/s AS31898 Oracle Corporation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Linux Exit Fast Running V2Dir Valid 2023-04-06
Kurumi (3) 98518a72 6.47 MB/s AS31898 Oracle Corporation United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Linux Exit Fast Running V2Dir Valid 2023-02-21
Kurumi (3) 98518a72 3.15 MB/s AS31898 Oracle Corporation United States of America Linux Fast Running V2Dir Valid 2023-02-07