Home :: Nubes, LLC (AS40021)

AS40021 is responsible for ~41.62 MB/s of traffic, with 9 middle relays.

Nickname Contact Bandwidth IP Address AS Number AS Name Country Platform Flags First Seen
Synth... (2) 8c17c5ba 8.72 MB/s AS40021 Nubes, LLC United States of America Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-11-11
Unnamed none 5.16 MB/s AS40021 CONTABO United States of America Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2022-11-29
cloacina8080 8c5548eb 4.95 MB/s AS40021 Nubes, LLC United States of America Linux BadExit Fast MiddleOnly Running Stable Valid 2024-11-01
RelayUli 43a509f2 4.81 MB/s AS40021 Nubes, LLC United States of America Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-11-20
cloacina8443 8c5548eb 4.72 MB/s AS40021 Nubes, LLC United States of America Linux BadExit Fast MiddleOnly Running Stable Valid 2024-11-01
RelayUli 43a509f2 4.46 MB/s AS40021 Nubes, LLC United States of America Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-11-20
conta... (2) 00c496fd 3.62 MB/s AS40021 Nubes, LLC United States of America Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-12-02
SkynetGrissom 493e8bfc 3.5 MB/s AS40021 Nubes, LLC United States of America Linux Fast Running Stable Valid 2024-07-12
RelayUli 43a509f2 1.69 MB/s AS40021 Nubes, LLC United States of America Linux Fast HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-11-20