Home :: Contact 2502dc5e18e6374fc9c09360f60a99c9

Relays with contact info ilikebeer2pm2me are responsible for ~79.98 MB/s of traffic, with 5 middle relays.

Nickname Contact Bandwidth IP Address AS Number AS Name Country Platform Flags First Seen
beer (5) 2502dc5e 17.46 MB/s AS24940 Hetzner Online GmbH Germany Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-09-08
beer (5) 2502dc5e 17.45 MB/s AS24940 Hetzner Online GmbH Germany Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-09-08
beer (5) 2502dc5e 15.88 MB/s AS24940 Hetzner Online GmbH Germany Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-09-08
beer (5) 2502dc5e 15.19 MB/s AS24940 Hetzner Online GmbH Germany Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-09-08
beer (5) 2502dc5e 14.0 MB/s AS24940 Hetzner Online GmbH Germany Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-09-08