Home :: Contact 869f1fd912f0bb8e27c38179bcdc2dd0

Relays with contact info DeuZa <proton@deuza.bzh> 7F19 FB12 EF3D 26EE 52AD 281A 24F2 C12A 37C5 7A81 | System running in nolog mode | Exit Node: Malicious traffic may originate from this IP, but it is not controlled by the operator. See https://www.torproject.org/ for more information. are responsible for ~26.55 MB/s of traffic, with 1 exit relay.

Nickname Contact Bandwidth IP Address AS Number AS Name Country Platform Flags First Seen
noTORture 869f1fd9 26.55 MB/s AS24961 WIIT AG Germany Linux Exit Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-08-13