Home :: Family 18EA6AFA3609A0B24752FBF411A2DAADE27DE129

Relays with effective family member 18EA6AFA3609A0B24752FBF411A2DAADE27DE129 are responsible for ~9.55 MB/s of traffic, with 3 middle relays.

Nickname Contact Bandwidth IP Address AS Number AS Name Country Platform Flags First Seen
C3WEy... (3) 47d77cc7 8.69 MB/s AS44133 IPAX GmbH Austria Linux Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2019-07-18
C3WPh... (3) 0b06c09d 456.71 KB/s AS42473 ANEXIA... Austria FreeBSD Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-02-13
C3WLittleGem (3) 0b06c09d 396.5 KB/s AS42473 ANEXIA... Austria FreeBSD Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-01-24