Home :: Family 27636CEF08BA09876B1BD0079828F6CA7990750B

Relays with effective family member 27636CEF08BA09876B1BD0079828F6CA7990750B are responsible for ~4.32 MB/s of traffic, with 3 middle relays.

Nickname Contact Bandwidth IP Address AS Number AS Name Country Platform Flags First Seen
envy (3) f4dcdaa4 1.69 MB/s AS136258 BrainStorm Network, Inc Singapore Linux Fast Running Valid 2024-09-02
ankle (3) f4dcdaa4 1.63 MB/s AS136258 BrainStorm Network, Inc Colombia Linux Fast Running Valid 2024-09-02
duchess (3) f4dcdaa4 993.28 KB/s AS136258 BrainStorm Network, Inc Australia Linux Fast Running Stable Valid 2024-09-02