Home :: Family 2B127A5099E503DBD3AA5D8F51E49D236059832A

Relays with effective family member 2B127A5099E503DBD3AA5D8F51E49D236059832A are responsible for ~159.14 MB/s of traffic, with 8 middle relays.

Nickname Contact Bandwidth IP Address AS Number AS Name Country Platform Flags First Seen
Gabara (8) ab3c150c 28.76 MB/s AS210226 Windcloud 4.0 GmbH Germany Linux Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2023-07-09
Gojira (8) ab3c150c 28.45 MB/s AS210226 Windcloud 4.0 GmbH Germany Linux Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2022-04-03
Servum (8) ab3c150c 28.4 MB/s AS210226 Windcloud 4.0 GmbH Germany Linux Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-05-30
Kamacuras (8) ab3c150c 21.31 MB/s AS31103 Keyweb AG Germany Linux Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-06-05
Megalon (8) ab3c150c 20.27 MB/s AS31103 Keyweb AG Germany Linux Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-06-05
Anguirus (8) ab3c150c 17.51 MB/s AS31103 Keyweb AG Germany Linux Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-06-05
Rodan (8) ab3c150c 8.99 MB/s AS208208 Marco Lingl... Germany Linux Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-05-16
Gigan (8) ab3c150c 5.46 MB/s AS208208 Marco Lingl... Germany Linux Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2024-05-16