Home :: 2020-08-01

Relays started on 2020-08-01 are responsible for ~374.59 MB/s of traffic, with 8 middle relays and 13 exit relays.

Nickname Contact Bandwidth IP Address AS Number AS Name Country Platform Flags First Seen
Poseidon none 47.17 MB/s AS56381 level66.network... Germany Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-08-01
TORKeFFORG2 (26) 1bec0f61 26.98 MB/s AS41281 KeFF Networks Ltd Sweden Linux Exit Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-08-01
TORKeFFORG7 (26) 1bec0f61 25.69 MB/s AS41281 KeFF Networks Ltd Sweden Linux Exit Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-08-01
TORKeFFORG3 (26) 1bec0f61 24.84 MB/s AS41281 KeFF Networks Ltd Sweden Linux Exit Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-08-01
ruebe (104) 20cc6920 24.56 MB/s AS208323 Foundation for... Austria Linux Exit Fast Running Stable Valid 2020-08-01
vogerlsalat (104) 20cc6920 22.36 MB/s AS208323 Foundation for... Austria Linux Exit Fast Running Stable Valid 2020-08-01
TORKeFFORG1 (26) 1bec0f61 22.21 MB/s AS41281 KeFF Networks Ltd Sweden Linux Exit Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-08-01
kuerbis (104) 20cc6920 22.18 MB/s AS208323 Foundation for... Austria Linux Exit Fast Running Stable Valid 2020-08-01
schnittlauch (104) 20cc6920 22.13 MB/s AS208323 Foundation for... Austria Linux Exit Fast Running Stable Valid 2020-08-01
TORKeFFORG4 (26) 1bec0f61 21.73 MB/s AS41281 KeFF Networks Ltd Sweden Linux Exit Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-08-01
TORKeFFORG6 (26) 1bec0f61 19.44 MB/s AS41281 KeFF Networks Ltd Sweden Linux Exit Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-08-01
TORKeFFORG5 (26) 1bec0f61 17.98 MB/s AS41281 KeFF Networks Ltd Sweden Linux Exit Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-08-01
TORKeFFORG10 (26) 1bec0f61 17.2 MB/s AS41281 KeFF Networks Ltd Sweden Linux Exit Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-08-01
TORKeFFORG8 (26) 1bec0f61 16.88 MB/s AS41281 KeFF Networks Ltd Sweden Linux Exit Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-08-01
philotes2 (10) fe23db45 13.26 MB/s AS197540 netcup GmbH Germany Linux Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-08-01
teutates2 (10) 19d4a59f 11.32 MB/s AS197540 netcup GmbH Germany Linux Fast Guard Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-08-01
galates2 (10) d3d5e153 7.97 MB/s AS197540 netcup GmbH Germany Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-08-01
rinde... (3) f6fffd6c 4.43 MB/s AS202759 RJ Network OU Estonia Linux Fast HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-08-01
bambam ff0c8813 3.48 MB/s AS3301 Telia Company AB Sweden Linux Fast Guard HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-08-01
myrelay1 none 2.01 MB/s AS22773 Cox Communications Inc. United States of America Linux Fast HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-08-01
Gentoo 02f8b25a 753.5 KB/s AS5089 Virgin Media Limited United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Linux Fast HSDir Running Stable V2Dir Valid 2020-08-01